Parkinson’s disease causes a specific area of your brain, the basal ganglia, to deteriorate. As this area deteriorates, you lose the abilities those areas once controlled. Researchers have uncovered that Parkinson’s disease causes a major shift in your brain chemistry.
Under normal circumstances, your brain uses chemicals known as neurotransmitters to control how your brain cells (neurons) communicate with each other. When you have Parkinson’s disease, you don’t have enough dopamine, one of the most important neurotransmitters.
From the front part of the basal ganglia which is a group of structures in the brain that help facilitate movement, low levels of dopamine may disrupt the nigrostriatal pathway and cause abnormal nerve firing patterns which can result in movement problems.
In layman's terms, what are homeopathic remedies and how are they different from other FDA pharmaceuticals?
According to Pfizer, if the body comes into contact with an antigen for the first time it will store information about the germ and how to fight it if an antigen enters the body and B cells recognize it either from having had the disease before or from being exposed to a homeopathic nosode, such as Parkinson’s nosode against which B cells will produce antibodies.
The most prominent signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease occur when nerve cells in the basal ganglia an area of the brain that controls movement become impaired and or die normally these nerve cells were neurons produce an important brain chemical known as dopamine.
Without dopamine a person can develop a problem call Parkinson’s. We have to surmise from our clinical trials that this targeted nosode may have alleviated the problem of reproduction of Lewy bodies, but did nothing to reconstitute dopamine levels.
Homeopathic Parkinson’s nosode is not a cure for Parkinson's. Our evaluation of our clinical trials could be flawed, because there are over 50 different ways that Parkinson's can affect the patient! What it does do, is to help slow down the production of Lewy bodies by stopping the process of the destruction of the dopamine level, by targeting Lewy bodies!
All homeopathics have not been approved by the FDA. Parkinson's is a very difficult disease to diagnose because initially, the aim is to slow it down.
Doctor Jeffrey Harsh has spent over 50 years studying homeopathic nosodes. was on the Board of Governors of the National Health Federation for several years, and a keynote speaker.
He studied under the guidance of Dr. Hans Nieper and Dr. Josef Essels - two major German doctors who treated and healed President Reagan of cancer and several movie stars.
He received a honorary doctorate degree in humanities from Antioch Christian university for his achievements in his research and studying of frequency medicine. Doctor Harsh also spent two years traveling within the United States and Germany, studying with some of the greatest doctors who had knowledge of frequency medicine in the healing of cancer and interviewing gifted physicians in the field of alternative and traditional medicine.
Homeopathic Parkinson's is not a cure-all. Especially with the damage of pre-existing problems. However, according to clinical trials, Homeopathic Parkinson's nosodes have revealed strong evidence of stopping the Progression of Parkinson's!
Drop us a letter as to how this is affecting you. It will help our research in making the homeopathic Parkinson’s more effective. Many people have been afflicted with this dreadful problem, Parkinson's disease.
Thanking you Advance, for your Time and Consideration.